The Turing Oath

In light of some recent unethical behaviour in software development, and after a user on Hacker News suggested that software developers have their own “version” of a Hippocratic Oath, I figured I’d try my hand at drafting an initial attempt.

The oath deals with user privacy and ethical handling of their personal information. This primarily caters to web applications which hold the personal information of users. It’s named after Alan Turing because he was a remarkable person who advanced computer science by great leaps.

The Promise to Develop Ethical Software / The Turing Oath

1. Privacy

I swear to respect the privacy of the user and secure all personal information in accordance with current standards.

I swear to not invade the private space of the user by sending spam or exploiting their trust.

I swear to be transparent in the information I keep on the user and to allow them to access it at any time.

I swear to release and remove personal user information at their request.

2. Security

I swear to responsibly disclose any and all software vulnerabilities that come to my attention so that they may be fixed.

I swear to not design software for the purpose of exploiting a vulnerability, damaging another computer system or exploiting a user with the intent to cause harm.

3. Patents

I swear to not become a patent troll and stifle innovation of software by applying for or enforcing patents on algorithms and software features that clearly should not be patented.
4. Criminal Activity

I swear to take no action to aid or abet the perpetration of crimes against humanity or other war crimes.


Ref: The Turing Oath – Github