Was This Psychedelic Image Made by Man or Machine?


The image features a hybrid panoply of squirrels, slugs, dogs and tiny horse legs as well as fractal sequences of houses, cars, and streets—and a lot of eyes. Currently, convolutional neural networks are trained primarily for facial recognition purposes—once algorithmically calculated to a specific degree, the CNN can match up similar images in a database with a suggested vector input.

Since being released, the image has been met with skepticism on Reddit. Users are weighing in with polarized comments; some are convinced that the image is simply an elaborate hoax by a visual (human) artist. Others argue that the multiplicity of the eyes and patterns in robotically logical but visually discordant structures are typical of an algorithm making sense of a command, supplementing their arguments with CNN image classification papers with previous, similar visual examples.

Ref: Was This Psychedelic Image Made by Man or Machine? – Creators Project