Facebook Likes Can Be Used to Determine User’s Personality

That might go without saying, but the brainiacs at the University of Cambridge Psychometrics Center and Microsoft Research Cambridge have the data to prove it – and a lot of other things about you, too. They analyzed the Likes of 58,466 volunteers and were able to determine with surprisingly high accuracy a range of personal information that some Facebook users may not have made public, including their sexuality, where they worship, how they’ll vote in the next election and what their IQ is.

Simply by delving into volunteers’ Likes, the researchers could determine in 95 percent of cases whether a person was Caucasian or African American and in 88 percent of cases whether the person was heterosexual or homosexual. They could determine whether the person is Christian or Islamic 82 percent of the time.

The researchers described Facebook Likes as “a generic class of digital record that could be used to extract sensitive information.” Volunteers used the myPersonality Facebook app to track their Likes, which were fed into algorithms to arrive at the results. The data were supported by information from volunteer profiles and personality tests.

Personality trait and predictive Likes, according to the study

High IQ

The Godfather

Lord of the Rings

The Daily Show

Low IQ

Harley Davidson

I Love Being A Mom

Tyler Perry

Emotional stability – neurotic


Dot Dot Curve

So So Happy

Emotional stability – calm and relaxed

Business administration


Getting Money

Homosexual males

Wicked the Musical

No H8 Campaign

Human Rights Campaign

Homosexual Females

Not Being Pregnant

The L Word

Sometimes I Just Lay In Bed and Think About Life

Parents separated at 21

I’m Sorry I Love You

Never Apologize For What You Feel

It’s Like Saying Sorry For Being Real

When Ur Single, All U See Is Happy Couples N Wen Ur In A Relationship All U See Is Happy Singles

Parents did not separate at 21

Apples To Apples: The Helen Keller Card

Gene Wilder

Making Dirty Innuendos Out Of Perfectly Innocent Things


Ref: Study: Facebook Likes Can Be Used to Determine Intelligence, Sexuality – Wired
Ref: Facebook users unwittingly revealing intimate secrets, study finds – The Guardian